Codes and conventions in Drama- Muna Jama


The typical conventions of a drama include the use of realistic characters, the plot, cohesive setting and mise-en-scene with relevant props. The mise-en-scene is heavily reflective of the characters positions by manipulating the camera angles. A high angle shot is commonly used for a weaker character and a low angle for a more powerful one as shown in Kidulthood. There is usually natural lighting instead of stark lighting in order to further instill the realism that dramas are trying to portray. There are usually representational issues such as gender,race or class etc depicted in dramas that are made important in the narrative.

There is usually an obstacle that characters have to overcome, as proposed by Todorov in order to gain peace or ‘equilibrium’ in the drama. It usually is focused on a taboo subject or something political. There is a lesson to be learnt  from overcoming the obstacle and it allows the viewer to question their beliefs and ideas.

Propps character theory doesn’t play such a big impact in Dramas, there is usually one or two main characters that the story line is focused on and the eight character archetypes are not always present. There is some element of binary opposites but not as stark as good and evil, it may be more subtle like in Mean Girls where there are popular people and unpopular people who are both capable of doing good as well as bad. The characters are made to be more realistic and relatable through casting,performance and scripts. We understand that our characters need to be thus in order for the audience to connect with them and understand them.

The costumes used depend on the period and sub-genre. Programmes such as Downton Abbey use old fashioned clothes because it is a historical drama whereas in Some Girls the characters don ordinary clothes like school uniform or jeans and hoodies because it is a teen drama. Though the type of costume varies across the board they have to be realistic and concur with the theme.Typical teen dramas are set in either schools, estates, streets or homes. These are locations that the public is exposed to on a regular basis and recognizable to our audience.

Some dramas break the typical conventions such as Titanic which doesn’t have a happy ending which all characters deserve. The audience would have expected Jack and Rose to overcome the social boundaries and end up together but that is not the case.Another drama that breaks the conventions of typical drama films is The Paperboy in which there is not just one major obstacle but many small ones in which each character faces, it does challenge ideals on homosexuality and racism in america which is a common factor. It is the end of the film in which everything goes wrong that challenges the genres codes and conventions.

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